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To the extent that的用法和翻译

To the extent that…或者to…extent这类表达的用法比较多样。其中,to the extent that…在合同约定中起到表示前提以及限定表达的范围这样的作用时,其含义较难把握。我们先从较为简单的用法开始一步步往下看。

用法 1

To some extent / to an extent表示在一定程度上,其中的an extent可以加修饰语,比如to a large extent表示在很大程度上,我们只看一个例子。

例:It will affect farmers in Spain and to a lesser extent in France.



以疑问词修饰extent的用法:the extent to which或者to what extent后面跟句子,表示在何种程度上/到什么程度(how much)。

例:The question to what extent the results of experimental studies can be transferred to humans is always of particular interest.


例:There is a question about the extent to which any one of us can be free of a prejudiced view in the area of religion.



现在来到to the extent that,分两种情形,还是先看较为简单的一种。


例:He began hunting fossils and funding expeditions, to the extent that his friends kidded him about it.


例:Economic behavior is always uncertain to the extent that we do not know all of its consequences with “plausible” probabilities.


例:Violence increased to the extent that residents were afraid to leave their homes.


这三个句子中的to the extent that其实都相当于to such an extent that,也就是我们熟悉的so much that(如此……以至于)句型。



例:To the extent that the next test we do is influenced by the result of the last test we did, we are doing exploratory testing.


这句话中,首先是试着接受the next test we do is influenced by the result of the last test we did这个说法,其中包含着这个影响的程度不确定(或多或少)的意思;接下来要表达的是意思更为微妙:之后的测试受到之前的测试结果影响这个现象怎么来理解呢?可以理解为我们是在进行探索性测试。

这里to the extent that的作用是先提出或者接受一个现象,之后提出解释。

例:”To the extent that there has been a real improvement, ” Wexler added, “it begs the question: What took so long?”


这句话中首先接受there has been a real improvement的说法,但是之后对改善的程度或范围表示了意见,并提出了追问。

例:There is little doubt that, to the extent currency fluctuations affect trade, they do so with a very long lag — probably up to two years.


以上两个例子中to the extent that都有表示让步的意味。

例:Freewill is the gift God gave you and we honor it, to the extent that we would not try to impose different views upon you.


这里to the extent的作用是:我们尊重你的自由意志是有具体体现的,也有限定程度或范围的意味。

例:Better corporate management yields benefits overall to the extent that it reduces market volatility and lowers the cost of capital.


以上两个例子中to the extent that的作用类似,都是对它前面的叙述给出限定范围或具体方式。


在合同协议中,我们经常需要面对的to that extent的用法,往往类似于以上3(2)中这样。以下是著文翻译工作中的一个实例,紧挨着的两个句子里出现了3个to the extent。我们来体会下。

To the extent that① any Tools are necessary to the use of the Technology and other deliverables developed or provided by the Consultant, the Consultant hereby grants to the University a nonexclusive, irrevocable perpetual license to use the Tools to the extent② necessary to use the Technology or other deliverables as intended. The Consultant represents and warrants that, except to the extent③ expressly agreed by the parties in writing: (i) no third party software or other Technology has been provided to the University, and (ii) any individuals performing work on behalf of the Consultant under this Agreement are employees of the Consultant, and not independent contractors.



这个句子中,To the extent that①引出the Consultant hereby grants … perpetual license的前提和背景:因为有需要所以才授予许可;同时这个前提也包含了对于授予许可的限定。

而to the extent②又把这个限定范围彻底明确了:“to use the Tools to the extent② necessary to use the Technology or other deliverables。

最后的这个except to the extent③ expressly agreed by…就是明确一下冒号(:)之后的陈述涵盖的范围(冒号之后的陈述在双方不存在书面约定的情形下成立,在双方有约定的情形下另说),其中的extent和②中的一样,都明确表示“范围”这一普通的含义。所以在这个句子中,只有To the extent that①具有我们所说的微妙含义。


通过以上例子,我们小结一下to the extent that 后面跟句子但并非单纯表示程度的用法:

  1. 引出一个现象或陈述(在一定程度上接受这个陈述),然后给出解释;
  2. 表示让步的含义,后面的表达往往有翻转的意味;
  3. 限定某一行为或陈述的范围,或给出具体方式;
  4. 表示某一行为的前提或背景,有限制的意味。
